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Meeting with Mr.IIMA - part 3

So his phone rings... and I'm like "Thank God!". And he looks at his phone...and there's silence... "You can answer the call, its ok",  I said, because I couldn't figure out if he wanted to answer it but wasn't doing so because I was there. "No...its ok.....its my senior manager....", he said and kept looking at his phone. "No really its ok, go ahead", I said. He shook his head looking at the phone.  "Please pick it up", I thought, "I could use a break!". But he didn't pick it up and went on to amuse me saying "Its a new phone and I don't know how to put it on silent yet..." Go figure!

And after some more minutes of blah blah and me making stupid conversation, he says, " So I heard you're interested in art ?" "OK sweet of you to try and get me engaged", I thought. "Yea !! I love art, painting and anything that's creative." Full stop! What a vague answer for someone who is interested in art. The ball is in your court now! :D And the topic died....

You know another thing, he would read my expressions after every sentence he told me and then give me an answer accordingly.. and he thinks twice before he speaks! Which is a good thing except that it doesn't help me figure out the real person he is. And by now I'm sure you get the idea of how little chemistry there was...I mean when I had asked him at the beginning of our conversation, " So hows everybody at home?" He was like , "well.."......PAUSE...." What do you mean?" in a slightly irritated tone. Honest to God, he was away from home in Dubai for the past two months and I was just asking him how his folks were back home, are they doing fine? Keeping well? I dunno, it was supposed to help with the conversation. Backfired big time!

Anyway  since we had so much time to kill, I asked him," What are your interests?" " Reading..." he said, looking at my expression, "......and tennis. I like sports". Since I had just been informed about the tennis match that happened recently thanks to my best buddy Seepz I asked him, " So have you watched the recent match then?" It was the US open 2010 with Djokovic and Nadal... and Nadal had won the US Open 2010... I think he looked taken aback and then said, " No.." (If I remember right!). "Nadal won rite?" he asked/said. I just thought it was a lucky guess or he read the news.

"Is that my phone?", I thought,"YESS!!" Probably my folks. "Excuse me, I think my phone's ringing", I said and started digging my bag for it. Girls' bags!! Phew to find something in there is such a task! Ah found it!

 'Dad' it said on the screen."I'm sorry I have to pick this up", I said and imagine my disappointment when my dad hung up as I answered the call!! Like that's gonna stop me.. I called back."Dad? you called?", I asked him. " Oh I called by mistake, mole" dad said. (Mole, pronounced 'Moley' is something similar to 'dear' but when addressing your daughter, in Malayalam)

'Yea right mistake it is....', I thought. "So how are things?, dad asked, "Are you guys done?". Clearly we were nowhere in figuring out anything. But suddenly I had an idea. "Ok dad wait I'll ask him", I said.  " Kazhiyaarayo?" I asked Mr. IIMA. "Huh?" he looked at me confused."Kazhiyaarayo?" I asked again.( 'Kazhiyaarayo' means 'is it over?' or 'is it getting over?' in Malayalam). He looked so confused but he understood and shrugged his shoulders as if to say well I dunno, your call. " Ok dad, I dont think we're done yet, give us 10 more minutes" I said or something on those lines.

And why I asked him that in Malayalam was because he had asked me earlier if I knew Malayalam." I do", I said, " Although dont ask me that question and then ask me to speak". He smiled. Actually I hate it when people ask me that question. Start talking to me in Malayalam and I will obviously reply in Malayalam! Its only manners to do so!

"So your dad's worried, huh?", he asks, after I put the phone away. "No nothing like that", I said. But you see by this time I was losing patience, I was pretty sure I'm going to do something stupid!! And well..what do you know?


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